全面大搜索Killer by Night(1972)

又名:黑夜杀手 / Killer by Night


主演:罗伯特·瓦格纳 黛安·贝克 格雷戈·莫里斯 西奥多·比凯尔 罗伯特·兰辛 梅赛德丝·麦坎布雷奇 小佩德罗·阿门达里斯 威廉·布莱特 

导演:伯纳德·麦克埃弗蒂 / 编剧:David P. Harmon





Plot Summary:When a woman is brought to a hospital, the doctor who sees her, believes she has diphtheria so he calls Dr. Ross, the hospital's virologist. Ross wants to wait till they can confirm it. Ross tries to reconstruct her life to find out how she came into contact with it. He tries to get help from the police but the captain is more concerned with locating a man who killed a couple cops. When more people who are infected come in, Ross tries to find the source and when he uses what clout he has to get the captain to cooperate, he gives one of his detectives to help him.
