
又名:Without Words


主演:官恩娜 曾国祥 周俊伟 米里友利 邓萃雯 胡浩贤 叶景文 何彦桦 

导演:麦启光 / 编剧:易美诗/飞影





Plot Summary:The story depict the love between the musician, Kit and the mute girl, Snow. Although Snow cannot talk, she is a sunshine girl that lives her ordinary life happily with her fiancee. One morning, As Snow puts on her slippers; she pulls out her left foot and sees an engagement ring on the toe that corresponds to her ring finger. Kit asks her to marry him. A week before their wedding day, Snow gets into an accident and dies, but a sympathetic angel-in-training named Michael, who wears a bright orange shirt, brings her back to life and gives her three days for the wedding. The day before she has to leave Kit, Kit falls asleep while watching TV and Snow whispers into his ear: I love you so much. I want to be with you forever, but I must leave tomorrow night. A couple hours later, Kit wakes up and tells her that he had the strangest dream where she spoke with a husky and sexy voice, but she said she had to go somewhere and promises her that he'll be there with her, no matter what.
哑女阿雪(官恩娜 饰)心地善良,五天后即将和未婚夫阿杰(周俊伟 饰)举行婚礼,然而却意外死于车祸。天使米高可怜阿雪,暗助她重回人间,直到婚礼完毕。死而复生的阿雪更加珍惜和阿杰剩下来的日子,虽然如此,她每日仍然坚持到儿童医院去当义工,米高暗中帮她拍下一些生活片段,希望能留给阿杰一些美好的回忆。阿杰的上司Eva十分欣赏阿杰的作曲才华,几番努力终于帮阿杰的歌曲争取到出版的机会,并乘机向阿杰表明心迹,遭到阿杰断然拒绝。阿雪得知后觉得自己是阿杰的负担,央求Eva帮阿杰录制新歌后,悄悄离去。
