The Corporate Coup D'Etat(2018)


主演:Gar Alperovitz Joe Atkins Maude Barlow Lee Fang 

导演:Fred Peabody / 

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The Corporate Coup D'Etat:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:THE CORPORATE COUP D'ÉTAT takes a complex political/historical theme and brings it to life. In the style of '13th', 'Manufacturing Consent', 'The Corporation', and 'All Governments Lie' it creates a powerful cinematic experience that explains how President Trump is the result of failed neoliberal globalist policies, and a 'corporate coup d'état' in which corporations and billionaires were able to gradually take control of the political process in the U.S. and elsewhere. In the words of Pulitzer Prize-winning author Chris Hedges: 'Donald Trump is not an anomaly. He is the grotesque visage of a collapsed democracy. The creeping corporate coup d'état that began 45 years ago is complete. It has destroyed the lives of tens of millions of Americans no longer able to find work that provides a living wage, cursed to live in chronic poverty.' Threaded through the film are the stories of the ultimate victims - working class and poor people in 'sacrifice zones' like Camden, New Jersey and ...
