21卫门 宇宙欢迎你21エモン 宇宙へいらっしゃい!(1981)

又名:21 Emon Uchuu e Irasshai!


主演:井上和彦 杉山佳寿子 肝付兼太 

导演:芝山努 / 编剧:辻真先/藤子·F·不二雄

21卫门 宇宙欢迎你:在线播放

21卫门 宇宙欢迎你:最新迅雷BT资源

21卫门 宇宙欢迎你:最新字幕下载

21卫门 宇宙欢迎你:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The story tells the adventures of the boy, 21 emon, engaged in the management of a hotel belonging to his family for years. In his problems, 21 emons is helped by the robot Gonsuke and the little alien Monga.
