
又名:Bronte: cronaca di un massacro che i libri di storia non hanno raccontato



导演:弗洛雷斯塔诺·万奇尼 / 编剧:Nicola Badalucco





Plot Summary:In mid-XIX century, Sicily is still a quasi-feudal society, where a destitute farmer and his child can be brutally beaten for collecting dead wood on the landlord's property. Politically, Sicily is part of a large Southern Italian kingdom. The much more prosperous and advanced Northern regions are fighting to bring about the union of the whole Italian peninsula under the Savoy royal family, originally governing only the Region of Piedmont and the Island of Sardinia. Garibaldi with a thousand volunteers invades Sicily intending to bring Southern Italy under the Savoy rule. The Sicilian peasants view Garibaldi are the liberator from the tyranny of the landed ruling class rather than the idealistic patriot who wants to bring about Italy's unification. When the news of his imminent arrival reach the village of Bronte, the peasants revolt, looting the landowners houses and warehouses and killing the most hated member of the ruling class. When Garibaldi's lieutenant arrives to formally ...
1860年,在加里波第的红衫军控制西西里岛之后,nicholas lombardo设计了一套土地改革方案但在卡塔尼亚遭到了失败,并引发一场叛乱,最终150多名叛乱分子被捕
