联邦调查局百年大揭秘FBI: Police d'Etat(2010)







Plot Summary:THE INSIDE STORY OF ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF THE F.B.I. DISTILLED FROM HOURS OF EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS WITH 50 AGENTS, EX AGENTS AND DIRECTORS OF THE F.B.I. ILLUSTRATED WITH THE BEST AVAILABLE ARCHIVAL MATERIAL Each film will be rich in references to popular culture and based on exemplary cases recounted by first-hand witnesses. By investigating contemporary themes, we will bring to life the 100 year old culture of the F.B.I. Reliving and debating key moments pertinent to contemporary issues. Whistle blowers and loyal troops will confront their views on the bureaus attitudes and actions. As we investigate cases, we will pepper our narrative with down to earth [nitty-gritty] facts about the daily life of the agents concerned, highlighting the evolving reality of the Federal Agent. The storyline and the treatment will have all the tension and the pace of current F.B.I. based hits for T.V. The images will carry us into every corner of the U.S. It will also propose an original history of 20th ...
