Plot Summary:An old and retired chef, named Chu, with hopeless disease, takes a golden retriever and drives an old car to start the journey in order to visit his four kids in the faraway places and cook a dinner for each kid. In different places, old Chu meets his children one after another and finds out that each child had got his own secret. He begins to realize his own problem.
电影讲述一位60多岁的空巢老 人,之前是大厨的他在退休后,发现 儿女四散各自成家立业忙碌着,于是 这位父亲主动出发,轮流去每个子女 家中小住,帮他们做饭。在给子女做 菜的过程中,展现了两代人之间中国 当代家庭中的各种亲情观、伦理冲 突。