布偶秀Cinematic Titanic: The Oozing Skull(2007)



导演:未知编剧:Joel Hodgson





Plot Summary:Silhouetted against the movie screen is the team of Cinematic Titanic, a five-member peanut gallery dedicated to trashing some of cinema's biggest heaps of junk. Their first venture is dissecting The Oozing Skull, aka _Brain of Blood (1972)_, which features an ogre with a condom hat, a sneaky dwarf, a mad scientist who looks like Tennessee Ernie Ford, gory operation scenes with Sherwin-Williams blood, a tire flap model, and more. Stephen Hawking joins in to add a funny line or two. A trumpet player attempts to perform while vomiting at a disgusting scene. One movie-mocker stops the film and attempts to wipe off some of the dumb blonde's makeup. Another tries to create a theme song, only to fall into a rage. A third escapes the film early in her Brain-of-Blood-Mobile. Cinematic Titanic proves that sometimes a skull can ooze even when there's nothing inside.
