Plot Summary:While Kazuo Tanaka eagerly practices his greetings for the big wedding the next day, his first as a matchmaker, his second daughter Hitomi prepares for her travels with her secret lover. The eldest daughter Reiko, nine months pregnant, has left her cheating husband to enter a frenzied Tanaka household. On the wedding day, Kazuo learns his father has passed away. Afraid of ruining the wedding, he asks Reiko and Hitomi to deal with the crisis. Rushing home after the ceremony, Kazuo and Kanako are faced with various problems.
結婚式にお葬式、娘の出産や自分のリストラ、さらには家庭内の問題など、次から次へと起きる騒動を通して、家族の絆を見つめ直す中年サラリーマンの姿を描いたハートフル・コメディ。監督・原案は「修羅がゆく2 戦争勃発」の和泉聖治。脚本はテレビ・ドラマ『課長さんの厄年』の布勢博一。主演は長い俳優生活で本作が初の長篇主演作品となった「時の輝き」の橋爪功。