Bite Night(2020)

又名:Party of Valice

主演:Dani Thompson 玛丽亚·李·梅耶丁汉姆 Mj Dixon 

导演:玛丽亚·李·梅耶丁汉姆 / 编剧:玛丽亚·李·梅耶丁汉姆 Maria Lee Metheringham/Will Metheringham

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Bite Night:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:'Haunted Honeymoon' meets 'My Best Friend is a Vampire' meets 'Clue'. When three beautiful ladies manage to grab the attention of a group of punks with their enchanting voices. They become the lucky guests or rather victims of the house of Valice. However the tables turn quite suddenly when the ladies realize they are in fact the unfortunate victims of the madness which they themselves created.
