

主演:Shahrukh Khan Jeetendra Shatrughan Sinha 

导演:Ramesh Sippy / 





Plot Summary:With crime flourishing out of control, the Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) arranges a meeting of senior police officers to discuss this situation. They are apprised that there are two criminal dons involved, namely Madanlal Malhotra, and Suraj Pratap Singh, who are involved in gang rivalry, which is spreading violent crime throughout the city. At the recommendation of the Chief Minister, a criminal psychologist is sent to assist the ACP, namely Kamdev Singh alias KD., who proposes that instead of tackling the two gangs, he will try to get the children of Malhotra and Singh to fall in love, thus ending their traditional rivalry. His attempts to do so only serve to bring the two families apart even more, it is then Kamdev decides on more drastic action, with deadly and hilarious results.
Zamaana Deewana和“罗密欧与朱丽叶”有着相同的人物结构关系,Rahul和Priya相爱了,面对父亲间的仇恨,该何去何从呢?影片却没有延续经典爱情故事去发展,而是注入了新的元素——喜剧。说到这就要提到Rahul和Priya走到一起的始作俑者K.D.,他的爱情计划,就像他那不听话的“地方支援中央”的几缕头发,总是被淘气的扰乱,总是在以为是爱情结局的时候峰回路转展开新的故事情节,就这样被吸引,去欣赏沙沙、Raveena、Anupam等演员的精湛演技,走进这个喜剧的爱情故事。
