

主演:Molly Ivins 安妮·斯普林克尔 Dona Edwards Amanda Love William Margold Carol Queen Lynn Raridon Scott Tucker Anton Michael Jane Liszewski Kat Sunlove Louis Sirkin Janie Liszewski 

导演:Laura Barton / Judy Wilder / 





Plot Summary:In the early 1900's, a new invention (and one of the very first uses of the electric motor) was created to address the 'problem' of women's hysteria. These devices immediately became an essential household appliance, and were advertised in nearly every women's magazine and sewing notions catalog of the time. 70 Years later, these appliances were condemned as 'perverted sex toys,' and became the subject of heated debate among lawmakers. In California, Texas, and several other states, conservative politicians successfully waged legislative campaigns to outlaw and prohibit the sale, ownership or use of vibrators and dildos while simultaneously criminalizing other 'deviant' sexual practices. Although a number of these laws have been overturned by legislatures or the courts, in the State of Texas freedom fighters are still working to eliminate these absurd and unnecessary laws. Dildo Diaries takes a lighthearted but 'probing' approach to exploring the development of sections of the Texas ...
