Plot Summary:On the eve of World War I, Agnes Conway manages both the business and the problems of her troubled family. She finds the strength to break class barriers and help her sister Jessie marry a good boy from a family of dockside toughs. Is she strong enough to break them again when Charles Farrier, a gentleman, courts her over his parents' opposition? Agnes faces an added dilemma when she finds her heart divided between Charles and his soldier brother Reginald.
Festival Films公司于1997年根据Catherine Cookson小说改编制作的英国迷你剧。第一次世界大战前夕,英国已是战云密布,三个不同阶级背景的家庭因为一个个性坚强的女人-爱格妮丝而变得密不可分,爱格妮丝在父亲的糖果店中做事,不屈不挠的她梦想著让家人过更好的生活,却在无意间打破了社会的阶级,寻找到自己的幸福。