
又名:Signal Fires of Shanghai

上映日期:1944-11-22(中国大陆) / 1944-12-28(日本)片长:105分钟

主演:阪东妻三郎 月形龙之介 石黑达也 香川良介 东良之助 葛木香一 水野浩 梅熹 李丽华 王丹凤 吕玉堃 严俊 姜明 韩兰根 殷秀岑 周文彬 

导演:稻垣浩 / 岳枫 / 胡心灵 / 编剧:八寻不二 Fuji Yahiro/陶秦 Ching Doe





Plot Summary:During the Taiping Rebellion of the mid-19th century, anti-Qing (Manchu) Chinese forces led by Taiping commander Li Xiucheng march on Shanghai. Although the Western powers are officially neutral, the British consul in Shanghai sides with the Qing imperial government, and counter to his own government's policy he retains American adventurer Frederick Townsend Ward to raise a mercenary force of foreigners in Shanghai and oppose the Taipings. Ward's force is routed, with heavy casualties, but since many of the casualties are British, the British army soon is drawn in on the side of the Qings. The only support for the Chinese comes from Japanese in Shanghai and anti-imperialist demonstrations in Japan. A family drama plays out against this historical background. After a Chinese home is destroyed by careless British shelling, killing the father and crippling a daughter, the surviving son vows revenge but begins to see that his true friends may be the Japanese.
