世界上最美的东西-相互作用Did You Ever(2003)

又名:Die schönste Sache der Welt - Zwischenspiel...


主演:Ali Gage Stephen Spiegel 

导演:Justin Leonard Stauber / 





Plot Summary:The Californian desert, somewhere between Death Valley and Los Angeles. She - pert, forward, a ball of fire - has just thrown her mobile away after an angry tete-a-tete with her (ex-) boyfriend. He - rugged, handsome, the independent outdoor type - is hitching a ride back to LA and knows a good bet when he sees one.
The Californian desert, somewhere between Death Valley and Los Angeles. She - pert, forward, a ball of fire - has just thrown her mobile away after an angry tete-a-tete with her (ex-) boyfriend. He - rugged, handsome, the independent outdoor type - is hitching a ride back to LA and knows a good bet when he sees one.
