寡妇的追求者The Widow's Suitors(1913)


主演:克莱尔·亚当斯 William Bechtel Edna Flugrath 

导演:Charles H. France / 编剧:Charles H. France





Plot Summary:The widow Black was the proprietress of Centretown's most successful restaurant. Silas Spivens and Bill Doaks were among the most arduous suitors for the hand of the fascinating Mrs. Black, who did not seem to be particularly impressed by either of them. Jim Grimes had a reputation about town for possessing plenty of hard common sense, and so it happened that Silas and Bill went to him separately for advice as to the most practicable way to win the widow. Jim thought a moment, and then suggested that they make Mrs. Black jealous by taking other girls to her restaurant. In the course of the next week, Silas and Bill divided their time between glaring at each other and paying enormous checks to Mrs. Black, who seemed properly heart-broken. One evening Mrs. Black asked the delighted Silas to call on her. He went to the Black house followed ten minutes later by Bill, who had also received an invitation. Mrs. Black entertained Silas in the parlor and Bill in the sitting-room. To the fervid protestations of both swains, she would make no other reply than to make an appointment with them at the church steps at ten o'clock the next day. Ten o'clock found Bill and Silas on the church steps staring at each other with enraged eyes. A few moments later Mrs. Black came out of the church on the arm of Jim Grimes.
