小马国女孩 春假风云My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown(2019)

又名:小马国女孩 春季特别篇:春假一团糟


主演:丽贝卡·伊索卡 塔拉·斯特朗 阿什莉·鲍尔 安德莉亚·利布曼 塔比莎·杰曼 凯西·薇瑟乐克 凯瑟琳·巴尔 杰森·迈克斯 Kazumi Evans 

导演:Ishi Rudell / Katrina Hadley / 编剧:Nick Confalone

小马国女孩 春假风云:在线播放

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小马国女孩 春假风云:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:It's Spring Break and the Mane 7 are about to board the most glorious yacht ever for a relaxing cruise. But Rainbow Dash is convinced that Equestrian Magic is on the loose and won't let anyone rest until she finds it. This leads to disaster on the high seas, a trip to Ponyville, and the ultimate discovery that Equestrian Magic related to the Storm King has seeped into their world and is threatening everyone on board the yacht.
本想船上逍遥游,谁知云宝脑子轴。旅行体验全完蛋,每逢假期吃苦头。   暮光为朋友们筹备了一场休闲享受的海上之旅,结果云宝却闲不下来,一心想要拯救世界,搞得大家烦不胜烦。而随着旅途的继续,气候变得恶劣起来,甚至发生了雷击事件。这次女孩们能度过难关,享受一次安宁的假期吗?
