Au gré des flots(1913)



导演:路易斯·菲拉德 / 

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Au gré des flots:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Skipper John was compelled to discharge Rogers, one of his sailors, for misconduct. Nursing his grievance, Rogers one morning cut adrift one of the skipper's boats for revenge, unaware that the little daughter of the skipper was lying asleep in the bottom of the little craft. Afterward Rogers was as much alarmed as the parents to find that his action, done in the spirit of revenge against the father, had brought, so far as he knew, disaster upon the little girl who was beloved by all. Realizing the extent of his crime he seized a rowboat and went in search of the boat, which he had sent adrift some hours before. He was just in time, for Suzette's position was becoming perilous when he found her and brought her back to her parents. Skipper John was about to give Rogers a well-deserved thrashing when his wife and daughter appealed for mercy, and the man who had brought such a trouble into their lives was pardoned.
