Il magnifico gladiatore(1964)

又名:The Magnificent Gladiator


主演:Mark Forest Marilù Tolo Paolo Gozlino Jolanda Modio Franco Cobianchi 

导演:阿方索·布雷西亚 / 编剧:阿方索·布雷西亚 Alfonso Brescia

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Il magnifico gladiatore:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Roman soldiers capture Attalus (a.k.a. Hercules) in a battle at the fringes of the Roman Empire. They take him back to Rome where his prowess as a gladiator earns the respect of the Emperor Galienus. An ambitious nobleman named Zullo, however, wants to marry Velida, daughter of Galienus, and to then take over the throne. (By now Velida and Attalus have fallen in love.) Zullo arranges for Galienus to be kidnapped and replaced with a look-alike. He sets up a marriage to Velida and also engineers the arrest of Attalus, but Attalus escapes.
Hercules, a war prisoner by Rome, proves his valor in the arena, becomes a gladiator trainer, conquers the women's hearts and the men's envy, and saves Rome from a political plot to a usurper to occupy the throne.
