



Plot Summary:In the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms era, young Lu Ping escapes the wicked forces of Shanhai Tower and discovers his spiritual identity in a moment of enlightenment - or rather, his spiritual identities, as he becomes aware of six distinct souls revolving through his being. When Lu later begins to train and grow under his teacher's masterful guidance, he meets eternal brethren and earns the affection of the young miss Qin along the way. All is going well until a vision reveals his relationship to an unresolved crime in the martial arts world of a decade earlier.
拥有罕见的六魄贯通之力,却自幼被囚禁于山海楼中的少年路平(陈飞宇饰)和义妹苏唐一次机会中侥幸逃出,得摘风堂堂主郭有道收留,成为陈桥镇摘风堂弟子,得一腔正气的大师兄西凡(熊梓淇饰 )对路平处处提点。山海楼四处作乱,率性骄傲的朔国武将世家小姐秦桑(程潇饰 )与心腹侍女凌子嫣一同,追剿山海楼行者来到陈桥镇,误将路平当作山海楼的接头人,更雇佣半吊子刺客莫林混入摘风堂查探。为寻找山海楼的线索,路平与西凡、苏唐(邓恩熙饰)和莫林(虞祎杰饰 )组成摘风代表队,与秦桑、凌子嫣(尚璇饰)前往开封参加点魄大会。一行六人在一系列的变故中相伴成长,踏上“天醒之路”。
