
又名:新情理法 / Law on the Brink / The Reckless Barrister


主演:吕良伟 叶玉卿 林威 徐锦江 

导演:陈东村 / 编剧:陈东村 Tung-Chuen Chan/李敏才 Man Choi Lee/李炯佳





Plot Summary:With Hong Kong on the brink of unification with the Mainland, can they get along? When the Beijing police want to arrest his brother for murder, Hong Kong lawyer Shen goes to Beijing to help. Time and again he butts heads with differences between Hong Kong and Mainland law and practice. Thanks to a persistent though traditional lawyer named Wu and an implacable but fair policewoman named Lan, Shen manages to keep out of jail and pursue his brother's innocence. The big problem is that the dead man, a pimp and a bully, is the son of a wealthy and influential man who'll stop at nothing to avenge his son's death.
在流氓界享負盛名的大狀黃祥 (吳鎮宇飾), 從不理會真相, 為求免罪減刑, 無所不為. 這趟遇上外強中乾的大喪 (成奎安飾) 無辜被捲入一宗謀殺案, 以為可以照辦煮碗, 並在初生之犢的新拍檔 Ada 律師 (黎芷珊飾) 的反對之下, 與律政處達成協議. 但上庭當天, 換了另一檢控官保羅 (白彪飾), 推翻了一切協議. 更致命的是由於黃祥的疏忽, 錯失了一名有力證人. Ada 忍無可忍, 決定引退, 大喪無言以對, 黃祥更是內疚. 透過市井流氓之助, 赫然得悉真兇竟是保羅胞弟彼得 (洪約翰飾), 並與督察黎偉 (胡智龍飾) 合謀, 為包庇彼得誓陷大喪入嶽, 黃祥苦無證據, 黎偉斬草除根, 把曾助黃祥的流氓一網打盡, 再派員倫襲黃祥, 將令他無法出庭......
