
又名:Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger

主演:伊藤明日阳 滨正悟 工藤遥 结木滉星 横山凉 奥山和纱 元木圣也 温水洋一 钉宫理惠 三矢雄二 艾克·瓦拉 柴浩二 柚木渚 小松萌香 宫本充 上田祐司 竹达彩奈 高木涉 茶风林 竹内荣治 志村知幸 大畑伸太郎 藤原启治 入江甚仪 田中直树 

导演:杉原辉昭 / 中泽祥次郎 / 加藤弘之 / 渡边胜也 / 叶山康一郎 / 编剧:香村純子 Junko Komura




Plot Summary:The Lupin Collection, a vast ensemble of dangerous items acquired by the legendary gentleman thief Arsène Lupin, was stolen by an interdimensional crime syndicate known as Gangler. The Gangler receive opposition from two Super Sentai teams: one being the Lupinrangers who aim to steal back the collection to not only live up their namesake's reputation but also wish back those they have lost. The other team are Patrangers, tasked to uphold justice by retrieving the collection and taking down the members of Gangler. Both teams fight not only the Gangler, but each other, in order to collect the pieces of the Lupin Collection.
蕴藏着足以毁灭世界的力量的秘宝「Lupin Collection(鲁邦珍藏)」,就在这宝藏被异世界的敌人・Gangler抢夺的时候,2支战队行动起来!   以夺回珍藏为目标,轻巧在空中舞动的「快盗战队鲁邦连者」!   以打倒Gangler为心愿,奔走在正义之道的「警察战队巡逻连者」!   超级战队系列史上初2支战队同时登场!!   前所未有冲撃的战斗,现正揭开序幕⋯!
