Hasta que el matrimonio nos separe(1977)


主演:何塞·萨克里斯坦 María Luisa San José 克里斯蒂娜·伽尔博 胡安·路易斯·加利亚尔多 埃米利奥·古铁雷斯·卡巴 西尔维娅·托尔托萨 

导演:Pedro Lazaga / 编剧:José Luis Dibildos

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Hasta que el matrimonio nos separe:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Santander (Spain), 1973, before the Law of Divorce. A young naval engineer, named Miguel, decides to marry civilly with Anne, an American woman student of Philology whom he has left pregnant. But for this, Miguel has to make a declaration of apostasy previously, something unheard-of in the conservative and provincial Spanish society and that will bring comments and suspicions on the part of his acquaintances and relatives.
