Plot Summary:Set in a candy-colored town called "Milfville", it features Fergie with a group of famous mothers, including Ciara, Chrissy Teigen, Alessandra Ambrosio, Kim Kardashian West, Gemma Ward, Tara Lynn, Devon Aoki, Angela Lindvall, Isabeli Fontana, Amber Valletta, and Natasha Poly as lingerie-clad 1950s housewives. Later in the video, Fergie is shown waitressing at a soda shop, teaching a classroom full of rowdy, letter-man jacket-wearing teens, and taking a bath in a tub filled with milk. The video ends with several mothers each shooting their own "Got Milf?" ads. Male models Jon Kortajarena and Jordan Barrett appear as a milkman and a bartender, respectively. Ambrosio's daughter Anja and Teigen's daughter Luna make appearances.