Plot Summary:Norman Pugg arrives in a sleepy British seaside town with a mission: spreading the word of The Children of the Mountain of the Star. However, it seems that the local residents may have bigger problems than battling their spiritual confusions, as Norman discovers a number of his prospective clients dead in their own homes. Mistaken for the perpetrator and hounded by the police, Norman must persevere in order to bring well being and clarity to a world where everything has stopped making sense.
Norman Pugg 带着自己的任务抵达了英国海岸的一座小镇:宣传山村里星星的孩子 但是由于几位预定客户在他们自己家中被肢解死亡,Norman发现当地的居民有着比精神困惑更加严重的问题。Norman被警方误认为是连环杀手而遭到通缉,但是为了给这座一切都没有意义的小镇带来清白和幸福,Norman必须坚持下去。