The Unknowns(2016)



导演:Neal Schrodetzki / 编剧:Neal Schrodetzki/Ethan Morse

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The Unknowns:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Witness volunteers from the U.S. Army's most elite ceremonial unit take on the intense training cycle at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. Journey with the 'New Men' as they progress through a 9 month gauntlet of instruction, correction, and the endless pursuit of perfection. Watch as these soldiers are exposed to the rich history and honorable traditions of the brotherhood of Sentinels who guard the Tomb, as they learn what it means to protect our Nation's Patriots amidst America's most hallowed grounds.
A documentary about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and the Sentinels who stand guard at our Nation's most sacred shrine 24/7.
