苏尔的寿司Sushi in Suhl(2012)


主演:Uwe Steimle Julia Richter Ina Paule Klink Gen Seto 

导演:Matthias Kiefersauer / 编剧:Jens-Frederik Otto





Plot Summary:One evening in the mid-sixties, Rolf Anschütz, a chef who runs a small restaurant in a town called Suhl in the middle of the East German province of Thuringen offers his guests a unique and exotic meal - Japanese Sukiyaki. It was intent to be a surprise for some of his best customers and it became a great success. Even the local paper wrote about it - and this should change the life of Rolf Anschütz forever. A couple of days after the "event" a real Japanese turned up at the restaurant and demanded the same meal again. From this moment there was no way back. The Japanese loved Rolf Anschütz cooking and his restaurant "Der Waffenschmied" (Gunsmith) soon was honored as the place which offered the best and most authentic Japanese cuisine outside Japan. In the shortest time the Japanese have accepted Rolf Anschütz as one theirs. They celebrate the Authenzität of his kitchen and the "original" Japanese washing rituals before the meals would be served. First diplomats, later Japanese ...
罗尔夫·安许茨(Uwe Steimle 饰)是苏尔的一名厨师。他对自己的职业满怀激情,但渐渐对传统的图林根菜感到厌倦。在土豆丸子、煎香肠、辣味烧牛肉之外,他还想提供更多的美食。但东德市民和国营商业组织的领导对他那些美食(如金龟子汤)似乎并不感兴趣。后来,一个如假包换的日本人来到了他的餐厅“兵器锻造坊”里,要点日本菜,因为他从报纸中得知罗尔夫精通日本料理。   罗尔夫以其雄心和创造力将自己培养成了日本专家,在苏尔当地的“兵器锻造坊”后面布置了自己的日本餐厅。可是,当罗尔夫以其具有异域风情的烹饪艺术获得越来越多的认同与奖赏时,他与朋友和家人的距离却越来越远了…… (豆瓣字幕翻译2.0小组)
