他妈妈的情人His Mother`s Lover(2004)

又名:His Mother`s Lover


主演:Chase Austin Boston Miles Travis Irons Brendon Cage Tyler Sweet 

导演:妮卡·诺艾尔 / 编剧:妮卡·诺艾尔 Nica Noelle





Plot Summary:The true story of two men and their encounter with each other. One is a German, who is also a cannibal. The other man is from Berlin, who's fetish is to be eaten and killed. They meet up on the Internet, and rendezvous in Germany at the cannibal's mansion. There, the willing-victim is drugged up on painkillers. The cannibal then removes the willing-victim's penis while video-taping the incident. The penis is split down the middle for the two to eat; first trying the penis raw, then cooking it. After the willing-victim has bled to death, the cannibal puts his corpse in a bath for ten hours, then uses the corpse's meat for food.
这部开创性的电影设定于1930年代初,讲述了一个年轻人在英国一所精英学校上学时因同性恋而苦苦挣扎的情况。当罗伯特(Chase Austin)与另一名学生陷入热烈的encounter中时,校长的鞭打使他的处罚倍受拖延,并停学了四个星期。罗伯特回家服刑,并遇到了母亲的未婚夫,即最老的,亲热的丹尼尔(波士顿·迈尔斯)。感觉到了瞬间的相互吸引,两人寻找了距离更近的方法,而黑暗的家庭秘密开始浮出水面。著名的导演妮卡·诺埃尔(Nica Noelle)凭藉优美的电影摄影,丰富而热情的情感表演,真实的性爱场面,为同性恋色情电影树立了新的标准。
