智利地震Erdbeben in Chili(1975)

又名:Earthquake in Chile


主演:Julia Peña Maddalena Kerrh 

导演:贺玛·桑德斯-勃拉姆斯 / 编剧:贺玛·桑德斯-勃拉姆斯 Helma Sanders-Brahms





Plot Summary:1647, Santiago, Chile. Don Henrico banishes his daughter, Josepha, to a convent when he learns she loves Jeronimo, a mestizo who's a teacher in the household. The lovers meet in secret, a child is born, the pair are condemned to die, and prelates scheme to seize Don Henrico's fortune. A moment before Josepha's public execution, an earthquake devastates Santiago. Josepha finds her baby and flees the rubble; Jeronimo survives, escapes, and finds her. The reunion brings joy and rebirth. He wants to build a Utopian community, without priests. She believes they can reenter Santiago society, forgiven. Class, race, and religion dictate a world order: is there a place for these lovers?
