大自然怪现象 第四季Nature's Weirdest Events(2015)




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大自然怪现象 第四季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Once again Nature's Weirdest Events has trawled the internet, raided their contact book and scoured the scientific world to unearth a treasure trove of bizarre and baffling stories. Using UGC clips of the events themselves, Chris Packham deconstructs the weirdness using eyewitness accounts, scientists and BBC archive. In this series there is everything from scores of pigs swimming in the Caribbean to the tiny tick that is turning America vegetarian. There is a giant worm decimating fish tanks, a strange blob appearing when comets are seen, a the real-life sea serpent washed up on the Californian coast and a Japanese island swarming with rabbits. Chris Packham delves into the world of weird; there's something strange in the water in the Caribbean a 4ft worm in your fish tank and a tick turning America vegetarian.
这部令人大开眼界而又有趣的影片再续精彩,它以踏遍世界的旅行足迹来深度挖掘自然界中最超乎寻常的事件。影片中充满了绝对怪异而离奇的自然界奇异事件和反常现象,通过目击实录、对主流科学家的访谈,及BBC自然历史摄制组的镜头来探究这些令人迷惑的故事。有大量的猪在加勒比海域的蓝绿色海水中游泳的奇观;有在澳大利亚市郊引起恐慌的高达1.5米的长毛动物;更不用说极度疯狂的草原土拨鼠搞出的扭曲而怪异的“墨西哥人浪”了。   本节目共3集……   对肉过敏的人   会“行走”的石头   蚊蝇“馅饼”
