灿烂人生분홍 립스틱(2010)

又名:粉红色唇膏 / 粉红唇膏 / 粉色口红 / 佳恩别哭 / A Pink Lipstick

主演:朴恩惠 朴光贤 徐柔贞 

导演:崔昌旭 / 编剧:徐贤珠





Plot Summary:Park Eun Hye, who rose to prominence inJewel in the Palace,Yi San and Taiwanese dramaSilence, brings her usual charm to this compelling daily drama. With strong ratings, Pink Lipstick'sstory of a good woman turned revenge-seeker against her cheating husband was picked up by a television network in Taiwan. It co-stars Park Kwang Hun (The Bean Chaff of My Life) and Lee Joo Hyun, who is probably best known as the charismatic detective inWhen It's at Night. Yoo Ga Eun (played by Park Eun Hye) is the kind of kind-hearted woman that everyone loves. After falling for Park Jung Woo (Lee Joo Hyun), she dates and then marries him. She has a perfect, happy life, especially after they adopt a daughter. One day, however, she discovers that her husband had an affair with her best friend Mi Ran (Seo Yoo Jung), and that her adopted daughter is the product of that liason. Shaken to the core, Ga Eun sets out on a course that proves that even nice women, when betrayed, can enact justice on those who ...
《粉红色唇膏》讲述的是通过3个男人寻找真正爱情的1个女人的波澜万丈的爱情和成功故事。朴恩惠在《粉红色唇膏》中将饰演被丈夫和好友背叛而决心向他们复仇的女主人公。《粉红色唇膏》于1月11日首播。朴恩惠将通过这一角色向观众展示与《大长今》和《李祘》中温柔,端庄的形象完全不同的全新形象。 MBC电视台早间剧《粉红口红》是一部一个女人波澜壮阔的励志故事,讲述了一个女人经过与三个男人之间的情感经历,最终觅得真爱,并通过自己不懈努力,最终功成名就的故事。《粉红口红》海报中,各大主人公营造出以往所看不到的别样氛围,淋漓尽致地彰显剧中人物的个性。四位男女主人公穿着色彩反差很大的服装,表现出他们将要展开的相互交错、对立的情感。
