午夜巡警Killing Blue(1988)

又名:Midnight Cop


主演:Armin Mueller-Stahl 

导演:Peter Patzak / 编剧:Julia Kent/保罗·尼古拉斯 Paul Nicholas





Plot Summary:Police Commissioner Alex Glass has been twisted into a sarcastic cynic by the hard luck story that is his life and by his daily contact with the criminals of Berlin's underground. His new assistant, Shirly Mai, is an attractive and conscientious woman who embodies a quality of virtue that her boss gave up a long time ago. They have both been assigned to solve a series of gruesome murders that have been taking place in Berlin's drug and prostitution ganglands. The prime suspect is George Miskowski, a pusher who supplies Berlin's brothels and hookers with cocaine and heroin.
警察局长亚历克斯•格拉斯(Alex Glass)被自己的不幸遭遇以及他与柏林地铁犯罪分子的日常接触扭曲成了一个讽刺的愤世嫉俗者。他的新助理谢莉·麦(Shirly Mai)是一位富有魅力、认真负责的女性,她身上体现了一种美德,而这种美德是她的老板很久以前就放弃了的。他们都被指派去侦破一系列发生在柏林毒品和卖淫团伙的可怕谋杀案。首要嫌疑人是乔治·米斯考斯基(George Miskowski),他是柏林妓院和妓女提供可卡因和海洛因的推手
