The Ghost of Folly(1926)


主演:爱丽丝·黛 Danny O'Shea Roger Moore 埃迪·基扬 Marvin Loback 安迪·克莱德 欧文·培根 巴尼·海勒姆 威廉·麦考尔 

导演:爱德华·克莱因 / 编剧:Margaret Houghton/Harry McCoy/Vernon Smith/马克·森内特 Mack Sennett/Al Giebler

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Plot Summary:The old Wilins house is deserted and a pair of crooks, posing as real-estate agents, have no wish that it be sold, since it serves their purposes just as it is. To discourage prospective buyers, they rig the house and make it appear to be haunted and have more than its share of ghosts. Little Alice isn't fooled.
The old Wilins house is deserted and a pair of crooks, posing as real-estate agents, have no wish that it be sold, since it serves their purposes just as it is. To discourage prospective buyers, they rig the house and make it appear to be haunted and have more than its share of ghosts. Little Alice isn't fooled.
