这就是民主的面貌This Is What Democracy Looks Like(2000)



导演:Jill Friedberg / Rick Rowley / 





Plot Summary:This film, shot by 100 amateur camera operators, tells the story of the enormous street protests in Seattle, Washington in November 1999, against the World Trade Organization summit being held there. Vowing to oppose, among other faults, the WTO's power to arbitrally overrule nations' environmental, social and labour policies in favour of unbridled corporate greed, protestors from all around came out in force to make their views known and stop the summit. Against them is a brutal police force and a hostile media as well as the stain of a minority of destructively overzealous comrades. Against all odds, the protesters bravely faced fierce opposition to take back the rightful democratic power that the political and corporate elite of the world is determined to deny the little people.
由西雅圖獨立媒體中心(Seattle Independent Media Centre)及大大聲影視(Big Noise Films)協力製作。   「這就是民主的面貌」(This is what democracy looks like)片長56分鐘。本片紀錄捕捉了1999年於西雅圖發生的反世貿示威活動情況。   在一個名叫齊亞柏斯的地方,那裹吹起了一道來自山區的風潮,衪為一場眾多不同邉踊佣傻倪動吹開了一道窗口。由西雅圖的攤牌現場至坎昆的零公里,我們看到這就是民主的面貌,及因人民的掙扎和抵抗而展開的第四次世界大戰。其中,導航員描繪了大企業的航圖,亞根延的飯碗奮抗路線如何行進至一個由下而上的工人當家去回奪,開創以至掌握將來的標示。
