L'autre monde(2013)

又名:The Otherworld


主演:理查德·斯坦利 Scarlett Amaris 

导演:理查德·斯坦利 / 编剧:理查德·斯坦利 Richard Stanley

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L'autre monde:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Hidden deep in the south of France, practically untouched by the modern age, is a place known by many as 'the Zone'. In this space, the supernatural is an everyday reality of life. Magic is everywhere. It is reason. It is currency. It is unquestionable fact. Prepare yourself for a journey into life on the other side of the mirror. Legendary filmmaker Richard Stanley (HARDWARE, DUST DEVIL, as well as a string of stunning documentaries) has never been under spoken about his studies in mysticism and the occult. A trained anthropologist whose brain glows with secret knowledge and forgotten histories, Stanley has spent decades exploring the literal fantastic.
