
又名:I Love You


主演:金南珠 吴智昊 李瑞镇 

导演:文熙融 / 





Plot Summary:Video journalist Hyun-Soo goes to the ER hoping to gather material for a documentary film about death. During her visit she comes across Yoo-Jin, a woman who is just about to pass away. As fate would have it she also encounters the woman's boyfriend Ji-Hoo, soon realizing that he used to be a friend during her elementary school days. A while later, Hyun-Soo observes the seemingly ignorant stare of Ji -Hoo while Yoo-Jin passes away, which leaves behind an unforgettable impression inside of Hyun-Soo's mind. One day while Hyun-Soo is in the middle of making preparations for her marriage, she receives a phone call from Ji-Hoo. During the following conversation she discovers that Yoo-Jin actually committed suicide because she could not stand the fact of loving someone other than Ji-Hoo .
一天,女记者Hyun-soo本来打算到医院的急诊室,拍摄有关死亡的纪录片片段,她发现一位临终的女人Yoo-jin,同时,她也发现这位女病人的男朋友却是自己的小学同学Ji-hoo,及後Yoo-jin含泪、带著微笑不久于人世,而Ji-hoo却木然的,此情此境却深深印在Hyun-soo的脑海里。   一天,当Hyun-soo正在为与男友Jin-sung结婚而忙碌之际,她却收到Ji-hoo的来电,说因Yoo-jin当日自杀而死,令他深感内疚,原来Yoo-jin并不爱他,而是心有所属……
