传说巨神伊迪安 发动篇伝説巨神イデオン 発動篇(1982)

又名:Space Runaway Ideon: Be Invoked / The Ideon: Be Invoked / 传说巨神伊甸王 发动篇


主演:盐屋翼 田中秀幸 白石冬美 井上瑶 松田辰也 户田惠子 林一夫 樱本晶弘 井上和彦 盐泽兼人 佐佐木秀树 桥本晃一 山田荣子 横泽启子 鹤田君子 松原雅子 高木早苗 石森达幸 麻上洋子 加藤精三 木原正二郎 德丸完 银河万丈 屋良有作 户谷公次 岛田敏 梨羽由记子 尾崎桂子 筈见纯 龟井三郎 玄田哲章 伊井笃史 鹈饲留美子 大林隆介 中谷由美 樱庭祐一 田中信夫 

导演:富野由悠季 / 泷泽敏文 / 编剧:富野由悠季 Yoshiyuki Tomino/渡边由自 Watanabe Yuuji

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传说巨神伊迪安 发动篇:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:For years, the crew of the Solo Ship has been at war, and on the run, from their enemies, the Buff Clan. The Solo Ship has a major weapon at their disposal: a mysterious, supernatural robot known as the Ideon. However, the Buff Clan is working on their latest weapon: the Ganda Rowa, a powerful warship that might be even more powerful than the Ideon. Meanwhile, Karala, a member of the Solo crew and a former member of the Buff Clan, discovers that she is pregnant. She believes that this child, a messiah, could put an end to the conflict between the two factions. But a side-effect is that this child makes the Ideon more powerful, and so the war tragically escalates until the only thing a war causes - doom, death and destruction - are manifested.
