在叙利亚的七天7 Days in Syria(2015)


主演:Augusto Di Giovanni Omar Hattab 董嘉仪 

导演:Robert Rippberger / 编剧:Jerry Aronson





Plot Summary:Newsweek Middle East editor, Janine di Giovanni, submitted a proposal to cover the war in Syria. The magazine denied the request, deeming the situation too dangerous. She decided to go anyway. The conditions are extreme with constant shelling and bombardment, threat of sniper fire, and kidnappings. Only two weeks before the trip her friend, James Foley, was taken by three armed men. A few weeks after the trip, Steven Sotloff, who she speaks with while in Aleppo, is also captured. Journalists are targets, and that much Janine knows. Yet, she and her crew put themselves in harm's way to bear witness and make sure the world knows about the suffering of the Syrian people. Along the way Janine meets a carpenter-turned-baker, a man considered to be a hero of Aleppo. His life is threatened daily by opposition forces, but he still makes bread to keep his neighbors alive. Then there's Waad, a Syrian woman who was studying economics until the university was bombed. She videos injuries and ...
在叙利亚这个世界上对记者最危险的国度,新闻周刊编辑Janine di Giovanni冒着生命危险在叙利亚见证了当地人民所遭受的苦难
