
又名:Return to Burma



导演:赵德胤 / 





Plot Summary:Shin-Hong Wang has been a Burmese guest-worker in Taiwan, but now there have been elections in his country, he decides it's time to return. During the journey from Rangoon to his birthplace, we hear propaganda songs on the radio about the blessings of democracy. When he sees his mother again after 12 years, she asks: 'Have you eaten?' With those same words, the mother of filmmaker Midi Z welcomed her son when he returned in 2008 after an absence of 10 years. In early 2011, soon after the elections, Midi Z went back again. This time he brought his camera, to shoot Return to Burma. Shin-Hong has the sad duty of returning the ashes of a friend who had a fatal accident in Taiwan. But there's also the joy of seeing friends and family. Young people still gather together to sing romantic songs and dream of working in China or even America. Shin-Hong's younger brother is about to leave for Malaysia. Shin-Hong himself would prefer to stay and goes to markets and smuggling centres to see if ...
數十年來,緬甸首次舉行了總統選舉,許多在異鄉的緬甸人認為緬甸已經開始改變;會邁向繁榮。所以,興洪與阿榮也決定回家鄉發展。阿榮在出發前幾天,在工地加班墜樓身亡,興洪帶著阿榮的骨灰返鄉。   興洪回到家鄉時,他弟弟阿德即將離開,要到馬來西亞打工。許多年青人都想離開緬甸,但興洪卻一直想留在家鄉發展,他到處打聽生意路子,但遲遲未決定要從事什麼?   緬甸對興洪來說,有著強烈的陌生感及距離感;他離開太久,不管身在他鄉或故鄉,他都是永遠的異鄉人;被空間與時間遺棄。   停電的夜晚,中緬邊境的走私市集,呼嘯而過的摩托車伕在天昏亮中疾行!   本片透過主角興洪,敘述了改變中的緬甸,人們生存的真實狀態。
