

主演:Sanjay Dutt Akshay Kumar Kabir Bedi Sunil Shetty Katrina Kaif Kylie Minogue 

导演:Anthony D'Souza / 编剧:Bryan Sullivan





Plot Summary:Bangkok-based bike-racer Sameer Singh gets in debt with Gulshan, and flees to the Bahamas to live with his brother, Sagar, and his live-in girlfriend, Mona. But Gulshan catches up with him, allegedly kills Nikki, who Sameer loves, and forcibly abducts Mona. In order to return the money, the duo, along with Aarav Malhotra, decide to scour the bottom of the ocean for a ship 'Lady in Blue' that was sunk on purpose in July 1949. This ship contains treasure that was being returned by the tyrannical British as a goodwill gesture. The trio will soon find that unknown dangers await them and that one of them has a hidden agenda of his own.
印度的某海上停靠着一艘豪华巨轮,富豪萨格(桑杰•达特 Sanjay Dutt 饰)和加戈特(卡伯•贝迪 Kabir Bedi 饰)正在谈论一条神奇的鲨鱼,在圈养的围栏中,很多人下水就是为了尝试征服鲨鱼的感觉,但是结果却事与愿违。由于富豪身边不乏美女,所以他们要选择新的消遣方式,于是萨格和加戈特选了刺激的拳击运动,约定打一场比赛,结果加戈特败下阵来,被萨格奚落。在地下飙车党的聚会上,阿莱夫(阿克谢•库玛尔 Akshay Kumar 饰)遇见了美丽大方的女孩莫纳(拉娜•杜塔 Lara Dutta 饰),但是后者却以比赛为条件,让他出战,富有挑衅性的同伴还开出了高额的赌注,希望他出车。面对挑战,阿莱夫轻松应对,不过后来却被黑社会相中,去做一件不可能完成的任务……
