简单生活 第二季The Simple Life(2004)


主演:帕丽斯·希尔顿 妮可·里奇 

导演:Claudia Frank / 

简单生活 第二季:在线播放

简单生活 第二季:最新迅雷BT资源

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简单生活 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Best Friends Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie return. This time round, Paris and Nicole are on a road trip from Miami Beach to Beverly Hills, accompanied with their dogs Tinkerbell and Beyonce. On their way, they will encounter various jobs and families, which include cattle ranching, being maids, cops and many more.
继第一季度下放农场之后,Paris Hilton和她的伙伴Nicole继续尝试寻常人生活之旅。这次大冒险是两人成功从东海岸沿着密西西比大小村镇驾驶一辆房车回到纸醉金迷的LA City的情景秀。   sonychen reviews
