
又名:River Straying

上映日期:2019-05-25(杭州) / 2019-12-01(北京国际短片联展)片长:48分钟


导演:胡兆祥 / 编剧:胡兆祥 Zhaoxiang Hu





Plot Summary:A man (starring Jiajun Liao) who was hiding for 7 years to avoid creditors has embarked on his journey home because of the death of his mother. On the way back home, the childhood memories stroke him constantly just like dreams. In search of a notebook full of poems written for his ex-wife, he went to the former factory to find an old friend. Elsewhere in the city, three senior students are talking about their future plans. All the wandering man under the bridge, the little boy in his childhood and the young senior students, imperceptibly but inexorably are linked together by the river, and the memory has been revived. As the twilight merged into darkness, the man went to a dance hall, where he came across a mysterious strange woman.
外出躲债七年的男人(廖佳军 饰)因母亲的去世,踏上了返乡的路程。在路上,儿时的记忆像梦境一样不断向他袭来。他到曾经的工厂找一位老朋友,找寻当年写给他前妻的一本诗集。城市的别处,三个高中生谈论着关于各自未来的计划。在火车桥下游荡的男人,儿时的小男孩,高中生的命运在冥冥之中被河流牵引,而记忆被重新唤起。夜幕降临,男人去到了桥下的舞厅。在那里,他遇到了一个陌生的女人......
