美好的生活La belle vie(1963)


主演:Frédéric de Pasquale Josée Steiner Gregori Chmara 

导演:罗贝尔·恩里科 / 编剧:罗贝尔·恩里科 Robert Enrico





Plot Summary:After twenty-seven long months spent in Algeria, Frédéric Simon, a young photographer is determined to forget this time of trouble. Now that the Army has finally discharged him he wants to live the good life. And at first, things go according to his wishes: not only does he marry Sylvie but they are invited by a wealthy man to Monte Carlo, where they spend a dream honeymoon. But back in Paris, hard times await them. Not finding work easily along with having to live in a cramped apartment make Frédéric bitter and unpleasant. When Sylvie becomes pregnant, he slams the door and finds consolation in the arms of Christine, an ex girlfriend, which he soon regrets. At last, the situation improves. Frédéric finds work and starts making money as a fashion photographer. But the good life cannot go on: one morning a policeman knocks at the young couple's door: the country wants Frédéric back in the Army.
Frédéric, de retour de la guerre d’Algérie, épouse Sylvie et renoue avec sa vie au quartier Latin. Désoeuvré, obsédé par ses souvenirs militaires, il accepte divers emplois. Devenu photographe, il pense construire enfin une vie de famille. Cette première oeuvre témoigne avec authenticité et courage du contexte historique et politique de son époque.
