马背上的恶魔The Devil Came on Horseback(2007)


主演:Brian Steidle 

导演:Ricki Stern / Anne Sundberg / 





Plot Summary:The tragedy taking place in Darfur as seen through the eyes of an American witness and who has since returned to the US to take action to stop it. Uses the photographs and first hand testimony of former U.S. Marine Captain Brian Steidle to take the viewer on a journey into the heart of Darfur, Sudan, where an Arab run government is systematically executing a plan to rid the province of its black African citizens. As an official military observer, Steidle had access to parts of the country that no journalist could penetrate. Ultimately frustrated by the inaction of the international community, Steidle resigned and returned to the US to expose the images and stories of lives systematically destroyed. We witness Steidle's transformation from soldier to observer to witness and, finally, to passionate activist and moral hero.
讲述退役美国海军陆战队上尉布莱恩·斯泰德尔无意发现苏丹达尔富尔一直在发生严重的种族屠杀,一支叫作“马背上的恶魔”的武装部队,枪杀平民,强暴妇女   。上尉拍摄了大量照片,交给美国政府,希望他们介入。但是达尔富尔早就签署过停火协议,暴行照片被疑作假。他一怒之下决定拍摄纪录片,用真实的惨烈画面去刺激美国人。
