
又名:Hotel Stars

主演:苏拉德·皮凌瓦 达维·格凌陂勒 帕努瓦·格通塔维 塔纳朋·扎卢吉塔侬 






Plot Summary:Every year, LP Paradise Hotel accepts only 10 internships from universities throughout the country in the \"Hotel Stars\" project, and 2 out of 10 will have the opportunity to receive outstanding internships. They will be placed as hotel staff immediately after the internship is complete and will be given a salary. High service charges and outstanding students will also have a chance to study in hotel trips abroad. This year, the selected students, Akara, Tone, Pong, Kin, Toey, Nook, Ying, K, Nueng, and Valen will be divided into groups. They switch internships in three missions, namely kitchen work, housewife work, and reception work. A special mission is included as well. Can all ten interns pass the Arahan checkpoint like the management team and supervisors to become excellent interns? How about the relationships among them, will they be hindrances to this competition?
每年,LP Paradise Hotel都会在“酒店星级”项目中仅接受来自全国大学的10个实习机会,十分之二将有机会获得出色的实习机会。实习结束后将立即作为酒店工作人员 有薪水和福利 极高的服务费 优秀的学生还将有机会学习海外酒店旅游 今年,选定的学生Akarotonpong,Kinteeyanuk,Ying K和Valen将全部分为十组。将实习职位转换为三个任务,即厨房工作,家庭主妇工作和接待工作。还包括一个特别任务 十名实习生能否像管理团队和主管一样通过Arahan检查站,成为出色的实习生?他们之间的Erung Tung Nang之间的关系如何会阻碍本次比赛呢?转至@泰剧网 https://m.taijuwang.com/taiju/11387.html
