
又名:Alice in Wonder City

主演:炎亚纶 修杰楷 梁心颐 周采诗 杨贵媚 

导演:王丽文 / 编剧:吴洛缨 Luo-Ying Wu





Plot Summary:He Ting Yu is a famous violinist who's just returned from an overseas tour. Chen Hai Jie is a hardworking dreamer who came to the big city to become a world class violin player. Lan Die Fei is a charming girl who has a beautiful voice and an ear for pitch. Alice is a mysterious girl from Japan who wonders the streets searching for the secrets of her past. The seeds of their dreams are planted in the city; they are all waiting to see if one day the seeds will grow to bear fruit.
音乐与爱情交织的城市奇幻曲   一个生长于大城市痴狂于音乐的首席小提琴家贺霆宇,   一个在街头与翘家小孩赛跑的社工金莉莎,   一个从乡下来到大城市闯荡的小提琴手陈海杰,   一个从日本来的神秘女孩伊藤圣子,   一个从不知道自己拥有绝对音感歌声魅人的女孩蓝蝶菲,   一个眼中只有成功、财富与名望,却对爱情执著的乐团总 监唐晋沧,   一个流荡于街头充满好奇的国中女生苏美玫,   他们在这个城市里寻找自己心中的那个奇迹~~
