Open 24 Hours(2010)


主演:Brooke Theiss David Youse Scott MacDonald 文森特·杜瓦尔 邦坡尔·罗宾逊 Stu Brumbaugh Wes McGee 

导演:Ryan Francis / 编剧:Ryan Francis

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Open 24 Hours:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:when your ex-husband is sharing a booth with your current lover, and the hit-men you've hired to kill him are sitting a few tables down, with two cops there to question him for possibly robbing a bank, all at the coffee shop where you're waiting tables, maybe it's best if you don't wait around for the tip!
when your ex-husband is sharing a booth with your current lover, and the hit-men you've hired to kill him are sitting a few tables down, with two cops there to question him for possibly robbing a bank, all at the coffee shop where you're waiting tables, maybe it's best if you don't wait around for the tip!
