

主演:Reid Stowe Jeremiah Murphy Tom X. Chao 

导演:John Harlacher / 





Plot Summary:In a tunnel deep under Manhattan, the Old Man rules the citizens of Scum-City. He swears to lead them to a paradise within the hollow earth once he finds five noble souls; but until then his followers must steal and deal to support him. A terminally ill hunchback named Goliath, crazed by his approaching death, decides to find the five noble souls and present them to the Old Man;by beheading New Yorkers he deems worthy of the honor. Meanwhile, another Scum-City dweller known as The Kid tries to do the Old Man's bidding, tangling with deadly gangsters and eccentric drug dealers-even though The Kid is only nine and his main weapon is a water pistol filled with acid. As both Goliath and The Kid pursue paths they believe will lead to paradise, they rob, kill;and inevitably confront each other in a grand showdown.
纽约那尘埃仆仆的街道,是个迥然不同的世界。   URCHIN 深入探访都市黑暗的角落,无家可归者们的避风港。在那儿,一个孩子与一位老叟相遇,而他们集结一起,尽管他们在那奇怪且迷幻地黑色幻想里有着差异。   孩子为了五位贵族踏上了探索之途,他必须保护他的新朋友和一位年轻的女孩,Julia.....
