圣安东尼奥San Antonio(2004)



主演:热拉尔·朗万 热拉尔·德帕迪约 瓦莱丽亚·戈利诺 

导演:Frédéric Auburtin / Laurent Touil-Tartour / 





Plot Summary:While a terrorist epidemy strikes the world leaders, the commissaire San-Antonio and his partner, the lieutenant Bérurier, have to escort the French ambassador in a British hotel. But after a negligence of Bérurier (one more little sex affair...), San-Antonio witnessed, helpless, to the ambassador's abduction, organized by a gorgeous Italian girl. Back to Paris, San-Antonio is dismissed by the police chief, Achille Hachille. A real godsend for Bérurier, who get promoted... But soon, the situation degenerates, when the president of the Republic mysteriously disappears. Immediate reaction from Police Minister : San-Antonio is the only one who can save the day. He has 48 hours and a secret squad to find the president. At the Elysée, San-Antonio finds Bérurier, the official investigator. But now, it's every man for himself : who will be the first to find the President ? There are multiple trails: terrorists, unscrupulous banks, international dealers, dishonest politicians, pretty woman ...
由影帝杰拉尔.德帕迪约主演的一个滑稽、笨拙的玩笑百出的侦探,因一个案子而卷入一连惊心动魄而有趣的惊险……   影片根据弗里德里克.达德1959年的电影重新改编,拍摄前4天,德帕迪约与吉拉德.朗文相互掉转了角色,由大鼻子情圣出演这个法国被占时期的搞怪警察。
