Plot Summary:A friend shipped Mickey a baby elephant, Bobo (not, apparently, related to the Warner Bros. Bobo) as a playmate for Pluto. Pluto's first introduction is to Bobo's trunk, through a fence. He's not thrilled, and marches away. The playful Bobo grabs Pluto's tail and follows. Pluto's devil self tells him he's being replaced, and tells him to attack with red pepper.
欢乐的马戏团里,米老鼠(沃尔特2迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)结识了新朋友——顽皮的小象波波。为了将来能够奉上完美的演出,他和波波快乐相处,成为了好朋友,并为它搭建新的房子。 当米老鼠忙碌之时,波波独自在空地上玩皮球,偶然间遇到了布鲁托(Pinto Colvig 配音)。一向高傲的布鲁托自然不会将眼前这个笨重的大家伙放在眼里,它气呼呼地转身离开,而波波却想与它玩耍,结果吓坏了布鲁托。这时候,布鲁托的心魔出现了。心魔告诉它波波即将取代它的位置,成为米老鼠最好的朋友。在心魔的怂恿下,布鲁托想方设法要把可爱的波波赶出自己的势力范围……